So I've been trying to figure out what I wanna post about, and plan it out
and make it all lovely and smooth sounding. I even wrote out a rough
draft!...and then forgot it at home. Oh well. Basically what you're gonna get is
a list of 10 things I've learned so far here in the field:
1. The field is white already to harvest, but don't overwhelm yourself by
trying to do too much.
2. Even a 15 minute nap can work wonders, (even if it's face down on your
scriptures. Ooops.)
3. Make sure you delete notes to specific people if you decide to forward
it as a mass message. (Haha, Sister Harrison)
4. Companionship Inventory is vital to the health of your relationship with
your companion(s).
5. Freedom comes at a price. (Or in our case a parking ticket.)
6. Be prompt. (Or the Jehovah's witnesses will steal your appointment while
you're parking).
7. Missions are weird. It's best to just accept that now. They're great,
but weird.
8. Stickers will always make friends! (That's why I know all of the primary
kids names, and none of the adults.)
9. Always, always be faithful. Even when your faith feels barely there.
10. Nothing could ever prepare you enough for this. Ever. But it's one wild
ride. :))
That's pretty much it. My going's on in a nutshell. Someday you all will
get a longer post with more details, but for now this will have to do. :) Keep
on keepin on, friends.
With love from Can-Win.