While I'm at the MTC this will be my address: Sister Taegan Christina Hutchinson
MTC Mailbox # 211
CAN-WIN 0403
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793
Should you like to send a package, or aren't sure what my Canada address is, send it to my mission office. The address is here: Sister Taegan Christina Hutchinson
Canada Winnipeg Mission
845 Shaftsbury Blvd
Winnipeg MB R3P OM5
If you would like to email me my address is this: taegan.hutchinson@myldsmail.net
My lovely editor will add addresses as I go, but these are the ones that won't change. :) Hope it helps!!
So great to hear your story Taegan. Would you have had iyour trip any other way? So like you and besides, it gives you one more story to do with what you do best, write! Keep being Taegan and all others around you will surely be blessed. We will as we always have keep you in our daily thoughts and prayers. We look forward to new stories of your adventures. Love always, Grandma and Grandpa